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OCR: Apple Universal Monitor Stand System Requirements The Apple Universal Monitor Apple I Iigh-Resolution Apple Monochrone MCTi Standl iv conparible with thesc Monochrome Monitor Applecolor Co ompx>site monitors AppleColor High -Remlu- Monilor tion KGB Monitor Applecolor RGB Moniror Technical Specifications Irange Swivel range Size Backwards 120 each dlirection Teight: 3.5 in. {14j mm ] Forwards 10 11.25 in. (550) mm} Depth: 11.5 in 6HO mmj Ordering Information Apple Universal Order M403 Wilh YOLLT oiler yu' receive: Monitor Stand Apple Universa. Monito't prs. Owner guide Limiled] warranly statement Appk Computer lnc 525 Mariani Avenue 147 ppie Cutrxute, nc Appl J36 Appo registered -r. Apn Crler, Jn Cupertino, CA 95014 ppkC: AppG Pchicl pecif.caLir e unjecl : smP J? chan;e wrteu rnu: a: I. (40 ...